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Soft-Landing into Life in Japan

Practical and Informative Workshops to help you have a soft-landing into life in Japan

WaNavi moving to Japan, as to any big change, can be overwhealming_edited.png

At WaNavi Japan, we understand the barriers and difficulties new movers can face when starting their life in Japan. To support new comers in this transition time we designed five workshops to provide you with the tools to live confidently and comfortably in Japan, for details please view the sample agendas in this page.

The Soft-landing into Life in Japan Workshops are intended for 


  • International school communities

  • Corporate Expatriates and their families


We can tailor our workshops to meet specific needs for various audiences from school-age children to adults.


Please contact us for details


  • Universities with international students 

  • Embassy staff and their families


Workshop Design

Nurturing emotional safety and mutual support

Understanding of Japanese Culture and Society

We "translate" the cultural and societal context of each theme to support newcomers adjust to life in Japan.


Sharing of Personal Experiences

We promote a safe-space to welcome everyone to recount their own moving to Japan experience. 


Critical Japanese Language Lesson + Interactive content 

We provide practical examples and key vocabulary lists to increase Japanese language fluency and confidence when speaking it.

Soft-landing into Life in Japan Workshops

Working in Japan & Business Manners Workshop_edited.jpg
Hands for exchanging business cards._edited.jpg
Case Study

Japanese Business Manners Workshop
for Corporations



DAY 1 

  • 11:00  Working in Japan Overview

  • 12:30  Lunch Break 

  • 13:30  Business Japanese useful phrases & terms 

  • 14:30  Role play: Communication in a business meeting

  • 15:00  Sharing Experiences

  • 15:30  Closing


  • 11:00  Japanese Business Manners Overview

  • 12:30  Lunch Break 

  • 13:00  Business Japanese useful phrases & terms 

  • 14:30  Role play: business card exchange manners

  • 15:00  Sharing Experiences

  • 15:30  Closing


Emergency Preparedness Workshop
for Educational Institutions

Case Study



  • 09:30 How to React to Earthquakes?

  • 10:00 Acquire Earthquake Literacy

  • 10:30 Collect Information & Get Connected with Your Loved Ones

  • 11:00 Identify Hazards and Evacuation Shelters/Areas in Your Area

  • 11:30 Secure Your Home & Prepare Your Emergency Kit

  • 12:00 Closing

Navigating Healthcare

Basic: info session (1 hour)  Full: info session+hands-on activity+Japanese language class (2.5 hours)

Many international residents find it difficult to understand the Japanese insurance and medical systems. Japan has one of the highest universal healthcare coverage in the world. Once you understand the system, it will become more accessible and easy to use. 


This workshop covers:


  • How the Japanese Health Insurance system works

  • Important Japanese phrases you may need to get the right help in a medical emergency in Japan

  • How to locate hospitals with English speaking staff

  • Navigating pharmacies

  • What products you can buy over- the-counter in Japan​



Food Shopping & Safety Workshop

Basic: info session (1 hour)  Full: info session+hands-on activity+Japanese language class (2.5 hours)

Many international residents find it difficult to understand the Japanese insurance and medical systems. Japan has one of the highest universal healthcare coverage in the world. Once you understand the system, it will become more accessible and easy to use. 


This workshop covers:


  • How the Japanese Health Insurance system works

  • Important Japanese phrases you may need to get the right help in a medical emergency in Japan

  • How to locate hospitals with English speaking staff

  • Navigating pharmacies

  • What products you can buy over- the-counter in Japan​


Hands for exchanging business cards..jpg

Working in Japan

Basic: info session (4 hour)  Full: info session+hands-on activity+Japanese language class (12 hours)

When it comes to finding a job and working in Japan, there is much to learn about the Japanese workplace​, culture, and communication. We help international students and residents prepare for working in Japan.


This workshop covers:

  • How to write your resume in Japanese

  • Understanding the Japanese workplace/workforce

  • Communication tips for the workplace

  • Japanese business etiquette



Father and son assemble the emergency evacuation bag together and put necessary items into

Earthquake Preparedness

Basic: info session (1 hour)  Full: info session+hands-on activity+Japanese language class (2 hours)

We cover all things international residents should know about what to expect and how to react in the face of a major earthquake disaster. 


This workshop covers:

  • Learning how to get in touch with family

  • Learning how to watch and listen for information and alerts on NHK

  • Creating customized evacuation maps

  • Readying emergency kits

  • Learning critical Japanese phrases in a disaster



WaNavi Japan Workshop offering_edited.png

We've worked with:


Willowbrook International School

Tokyo International School

Yokohama International School

Montessori School of Tokyo

International School of Asia, Karuizawa

Summerhill International School





Mitsubishi Fuso 



Schlumberger Ltd.
U.S. Investment Bank

Criteo Japan
Rakuten, Inc.

Guidewire Software
Yamaha Motors



Hitotsubashi ICS MBA

Hitotsubashi University

Nagoya University

Tokyo International University

Globis University




Canadian Embassy

Finnish Embassy

Australian Embassy

Tokyo American Club

UFE (Union des Francais de l’Etranger)

Minato-ku Libra Gender Eqaulity Center

Minato-ku Bosai Festival

Azabu Gardens



We have conducted various types of workshops collaborating with municipal governments, embassies, corporations, parent associations, community associations, and international schools.​


We customize our workshops based on your needs. To organize your Soft-landing into Life in Japan workshop, contact us.



We would love to hear from you

Thank you for your message, we will be in contact shortly!

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